Thursday, October 9, 2014

Family Structures DO Matter!

This week we talked about how being in different classes and cultures affects the family. I really liked one of the statements that Brother Williams said. It follows as is: “do no underestimate that some family structures are better than others.”  This is a very controversial statement but, I agree with it. A family structure is whether the parents are married and living together, living together and not married, separated, single moms or dads, divorced, gays or lesbians.

                From this week I have learned that the family structure really does matter. It is proven in studies that children with parents that are intact are better off in society than any other children. Parents in other circumstances can be really good parents and role models but having two parents in the home are usually better able to provide for the family, create a good home environment and have good role models to become good mothers and fathers in the future.

I have learned this concept in my own life. My parents got divorced when I was really young and I had a harder time understanding what each parent’s roles were. When I was young, because I didn’t remember them ever living together, I didn’t understand that moms and dads were supposed to live together and one day after being at a friend’s house I asked my mom about this. Because of everything my mom went through and because a lot of the times we don’t realize that our children might not understand she had no idea that I didn’t know this concept in life. And she helped explain this to me. But other than this I am able to look at my life and see how different it would have been if my parents hadn’t have gotten divorced. But we all learn to deal with the trials that we have been dealt with. I have been able to learn a lot and am now able to understand that in some circumstances you have to do what you have to do to get by. I love both of my parents very much and I know they want what’s best for me. I hope that with this we will all be able to really take into consideration how our family structures really do affect our lives as well as our children’s lives and that we need to do what is best for them.


  1. Kayla, thank you for sharing such a personal experience with us! Yours is a beautiful example of a loving family that may not have had a perfect structure, but did it's very best. This is more common than we realize I think. I really appreciate your ability to look at your situation critically and still be grateful for what you do have. I love how you challenged your readers to think about the impact they have on their own families when you said, "I hope that with this we will all be able to really take into consideration how our family structures really do affect our lives as well as our children’s lives and that we need to do what is best for them." Excellent post!

  2. Addison, Thank you so much. I really do hope that with sharing my experiences that I will be able to help those around me!
